Follow the quote of metals

Dia Cobre* Zinco* Alumínio* Chumbo* Estanho* Níquel* Dólar*
31/Dez 5.965,00 2.510,50 1.869,50 2.009,00 19.500,00 10.595,00 3,8748
01/Jan Feriado Feriado Feriado Feriado Feriado Feriado Feriado
02/Jan 5.839,00 2.462,00 1.858,00 1.975,00 19.525,00 10.440,00 3,8748
03/Jan 5.811,00 2.480,00 1.825,50 1.943,00 19.500,00 10.715,00 3,8595
04/Jan 5.840,00 2.505,00 2.505,00 1.936,00 19.575,00 10.920,00 3,7683
Média semanal 5.863,75 2.489,38 1.858,00 1.965,75 19.525,00 10.667,5 3,8444
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Weekly average: values average from Monday to Friday of the respective week, regardless of the month consulted.

Monthly average: average of the values from the first to the last day of the registered month.

*Metals - US$/t

**Dólar - R$/U$- refers to the sales rates average applied on the previous day and published by the Central Bank - PTAX

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